jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

Despeja el cristal

Me dijo que la gente empezaba a odiarle. Y quería irse, de nuevo. Si cambias de lugar contantemente te renuevas, me dijo. Si cambias de lugar constantemente te vuelves loco, le contesté. Sea lo que sea ya no hay nada que hacer aquí. Mi mente peleaba por decirle la verdad. Hay mucho que hacer, pero no tienes con quien.
Cambiar no va a resolver tu problema.
Qué es lo que le pasa a la gente, se pregunta. A la gente le pasa que no te soporta. Y no hay tanta diferencia entre la gente de un país u otro cuando se trata de soportar la estupidez.
He told me people was starting to hate him. And he wanted to go, again. If you constantly change the place you get renew, he told me. If you constantly change the place you drive yourself crazy, I answer. Whatever, there is nothing to do here anymore. My mind was fighting to tell him the truth. There are a lot of things to do here, but you don't have anyone to make them.
Change is not going to fix your problem.
What's the matter with the people? he asks himself. People's matter is they don't like you. And there isn't a big difference between people from one country or another when is about last stupidity.

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